Amitava Ray
Collection Details -
I have been able to collect $480.00 . The checks have been mailed out to Deb Sir via
Global priority Mail. I am not providing the individual amounts for obvious reasons. Here
is the list of contributors -
Aftab Ahmed (1991)
Abhijit Sarkar(1992)
Amitava Ray (1991)
John Belanger (My Colleague & friend)
Michael Fisher (My colleague)
We (Aftab, Abhijit & myself) have suggested that this money be used towards completing
the computer room. I understand many of us in the North American region have not been able
to contribute for different reasons. Those who have sent money to Bidhan directly - Thanks
a bunch again. Thanks to all of you for your support!
sumit sarkar
30 Nov 2001
every thing goes well when i was in bidhan except the schedules of semester exams which are very rigorous. my well wishes for the students reunion on the silver jubilee celebrations.
Kanchan Tewari
30 Nov 2001
Iam a ex student of bidhan.for the first time iam visiting the site .It is good enough.
25 Dec 2001
it's simply GREAT & NOSTALGIC....i appreciate ur job amitava da whoever u r ...i'm a pass out of 1998 batch...feel very nostalgic abt the good old days of bidhan...wish every bidhanian a merry christmas & happy new yr-2002...let's make this fantastic platform the our meeting place...WISH U ALL THE VERY BEST..
Sarnath Chattaraj(1980-82 batch)
26 Dec 2001
I am overwhelmed to see the Web page on Bidhan; thanks to Amitava Roy. This brings our hearts together for the institute, which gave us the first glimpse to the High School studies. My regards to my teachers, especially to Deb Sir, who is now the Principal. I still remember his "patented" way of doing Maths. Along with Mrs. Champa Dutta (CD), I remember Prof.Ajitdhan Ghosh (ADG). Those days were so nice, which encourages me to keep in touch with the old "goodies": Joydeep Dutta, Rajat Subhra Choudhury and so on. Wish all Bidhanians a prosperous life.
sumanta roy
29 Dec 2001
nice to see titin da maintaining this site.
05 Jan 2002
Amit Goswami
25 Jan 2002
I am from 1987 batch from Bidhan. Can we have an alumni too. Good Job done Amitav. May be you can add tales of masir dokan in this.(just joking!!!) - Thanks Amit Goswami (Mumbai)
Dwaipayan Banerjee
11 Feb 2002
I am an Ex-Bidhanian(1994) batch.The result of our batch is supposedly unsurpassed in the history of Bidhan. I am really proud to be associated with the history of this institution.Unfortunately during our time "Chitralaya" was not in operation.But we did enjoy a lot in Kumarmangalam Park.Deb Sir & Jiban Sir(JB)will remember me any time as I was closely associated with both of them.By best wishes to all past,present & future Bidhanians.
saikat kumar bandyopadhyay
26 Mar 2002
I love my school
Joydeep Bhattacharya
15 Apr 2002
Titin ( u are from Tagore place arent u ?? ) , I am overwhelmed by ur gracious comments and endeavour...tears come into my eyes when I think about Bidhan and my beloved Durgapur...I was one of those guys who would turn up everyday to Bidhan but conspicuously absent from the class rooms due to my other activities at the back of the institution ( if u guys remember we had black pipes on which we had our regular addas )...specially sukanta , apu , bacchu , and others ( God knows where they are now ! )...Our own Chitralaya ( paradise for truants )..I still miss it.. and Deb Sir, I saw his photograph..I just couldnt believe my eyes that he is still there with his pan of course in his mouth ..hahaha.. Take care folks.. Joydeep ( 1986 )
sritanu chatterjee
19 Apr 2002
dear all i will give my brief introduction. i passed out in 1997 batch and the two years in bidhan is really a memorable experience. it is the meeting place of all schools of durgapur. thoughts are shared and exchanged, and the process continues.....
DR.M. Bhaumik
18 May 2002
Please see the website
Sourish (1996 passout.)
27 May 2002
This si a nice site. I was really impressed by the way eveything was presented. A few pics of the scool would be very welcome.
04 Jun 2002
hi everybody , i am an ex-student from this prestigiou institution . i passed out in 2000. i am from REC Durgapur .the site ig quite fine but it can be upgraded further . i can come of some help . thanks, PARTHA PRATIM CHOWDHURY
Hardeep Singh
26 Jun 2002
Hi Amitava Ray Well Effort for the site
Sthiti Raha
22 Jul 2002
Hi all i too am an ex-student of this instituition. i passed out in 1995 and then went on to do my B.E. from R.E.C. Durgapur. Good to see my alma mater on the net.I really miss Durgapur now that i am in the states. Good woek done Amitava
hi, A'm Anjan!!!!! 1998- 2000 batch
Satyashis Sanyal\
09 Sep 2002
Hi all, I am a 1996 pass out and am presently in Chennai. Its great to see somebody coming up with such an excellent effort. At the same time it is frustating to see some very nasty comments about a good work. Mr. Amitava Ray, who is maintaining the site should look into it.
anirban panda
22 Sep 2002
dear sir , i am an ex- student of bidhan ins. i was in 1999 batch . my name is anirban panda . currently i am studying in iit bombay.bidhan ins. is in my heart , in my mind . i can't forget it . so please keep contact with suggestion is give a list of ex-students in this e-page and if possible their current e-mail address. with lots of good wishes............... anirban
Chandramauli Sastry
15 Oct 2002
I miss those days in Bidhan so much. Attending classes, studying hard for JEE, saraswati puja, beautiful girls, their shyness, our fun, our teachers, the love that our teachers had for us, my respect for people like Deb Sir, Jibon Sir etc. Sitting in USA now, I think in disbelief, have really 10 years passed by?? sounds so unbelievable. Then suddenly the truth comes to the front telling me, my friend yes it has indeed been a long. Some special people in that institution will never be forgotten throughout my life. Sastry
Chandramauli Sastry
15 Oct 2002
I miss those days in Bidhan so much. Attending classes, studying hard for JEE, saraswati puja, beautiful girls, their shyness, our fun, our teachers, the love that our teachers had for us, my respect for people like Deb Sir, Jibon Sir etc. Sitting in USA now, I think in disbelief, have really 10 years passed by?? sounds so unbelievable. Then suddenly the truth comes to the front telling me, my friend yes it has indeed been a long. Some special people in that institution will never be forgotten throughout my life. Sastry
Partha Sarathi Patra ( 1992- 94 ),
21 Oct 2002
It was VVS ( mouli ) from whom I came to know about this site... No need to mention what a great job Amitava has done. Heartiest thanks to him. The nicest part was to sail thru the comments of the Bidhanians right from 76 till date. that's great !!!. It has been 10 years passed by and sitting almost at the middle of Europe, touching all the amazing places of my childhood wishes, be the sunset at Venice, standing in front of the Vatican city, eating the Viking foods.... but right after Durgapuja the passing thought of Bidhan makes me the most nostalgic. And top of it im Bengali ;).... Saraswati pujor khichuri hok, naito david hare-er cheleder sathe jhamela ba Jiban sarer statistic class.... Soumen, Samrat, Koushik, VVS ..amra sabai mile je 'masti'r time Bidhane katiyechi ta kakhonoi bhulte parbo na. Sbkichu mane pare .. Wish my dearest Bidhan Institute a great and prosperous time and all the juniors the very best for their upcoming future.
Shyam Sundar Mishra
19 Nov 2002
Hi All, Its nice to have a home page for our good old Bidhan Ch Institution. Next, we can introduce a system of registration at the web site so that only registered members may use it and give their comments, due to obvious reasons. Thanks, Shyam
Debashis Satpathi
22 Nov 2002
I grew up in Durgapur, went to Bidhan and moved on with my life. I have gone back to Durgapur every couple of years for the past 12 years, but I had never gone back inside the school boundary wall since 1985 to see how things might have changed. It feels good to know that some one has gone ahead and put together a website. This definitely got me motivated to go and visit Bidhan on my next trip to Durgapur. Debashis Satpathi Graduated: 1985
V V S CM Sastry
31 Dec 2002
WISH YOU ALL A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR. Please do keep this mesaage board going. AND THOSE OF MY BATCH PLEASE DO FEEL FREE TO GET IN TOUCH. VVS (1992 - 1994)
Saikat Mukherjee
06 Jan 2003
Great going guys!!! Keep it up!!! Let us make the stuff a sophisticated one, where we can have some batchwise (year)details, common group, latest event at bidhan and something thru which we can help our juniors in their career goals. Let it be a site for ex Bidhanians to interact and get in touch with each other. It surely has a great potential. So guys put yr thought process and ideas and subsequently we can do something. I hope not going to class is still a craze at Bidhan. I am sure Minu Bus wala dont accept 50 paise for students. Getting into a crowded bus with more gals is still wanted, I guess. Going to Jhumur by skipping classes is still a heroic job. Passing time in KMP before going for tution at Recol Park is prevalent. Last time when I went there I observed that broken wall behind the bus stand. I think that broken stuff should be preserved 'as it is'. Anyway, keep it up buddies, wish you all a happy and successful New Year Y2K3, Take care, Lots of love to all associated to Bidhan and Durgapur Saikat Mukherjee 1994 Bidhan batch (the great batch when Kaushik stood 2nd, record number of guys got above 800, star, first divn) (presently doing MBA in GA, US of A)
VVS CM Sastry
29 Jan 2003
Bidhan in News. Check out the following Times of India Site. Regards, VVS CM Sastry
09 Feb 2003
This is the first time I am visiting the site. It was really a great effort by Mr. Amitabha Roy. But would definitely like it to be better.
Indradeep Saha
20 Mar 2003
was pleasantly surprised when i stumbled upon this site while surfing the net...i am a passout of 2001 batch and currently studying in iit-kanpur...would be glad to help
06 Apr 2003
Great Job Amitva, Bidhan brings back some very pleasant memories. Deb sir seems to be in good health. I have a lot of respect for him. I grew up in Durgapur , but stay in North America and do not get to visit Durgapur since my parents are settled in Pune. Does Durgapur have a good Air connection from Bombay or Pune. I would like to visit Duragapur . I went to Bidhan and to St.Xaviers and those were some of the best years of my life. Amitava Great job again and Deb Sir Wish you all the Best. If we could have some more photographs of Bidhan it would be great. Sanjiv Batch of 1986
KK (1988 - 1990) (Blue Yamaha)
17 Apr 2003
I would be glad to help in any way I can. I work for MasterCard in St. Louis and MasterCard will match my contribution dollar for dollar.
Priyanath Paul
02 May 2003
Good work done. I really felt proud of myself when i came across this site. I am a passout in 1993.we used to have lot of fun. Many guys,including me, opened their innings in love and i know many of them who has settled now with their partner.I have just one suggestion.Can we form a Alumni and a get together every year, if possible? Bye guys and those beautiful girls of Bidhan.
Koushik Biswas
04 Jul 2003
This website brings a pleasantly painful feeling - "so near yet so far". Most messages and postings look 2 years old, so I am not sure whether all this is current or not. But if the pending projects are still pending, I do want to contribute some drops to the sea. With love, (1994 pass-out batch) Koushik.
debaditya ghosh
30 Jul 2003
bidhan was once a great institute just go inside the compund and see its degenration right now. poeple drink and take drugs right inside the compound. there is also allegedly a pimp operating within the compound. you pay as low as 150 rupees and get pleasures! thats what he claims. and all this has come about with the tacit help of few of the faculty members there who inspite of knowing all this turn a blind eye and deaf ear to all these complaints. bidhan which in my days used to boast of HS toppers is now a rotting place. i am sorry to say this. when i introduced myself as an ex-student students from present batch said "to ekhane ki korte esechen, bouke fele gechilen ekhon korate esehen naki! kete porun dada" i was shocked to hear all this! never again will i go back there!
arindam sinha
31 Jul 2003
khub bhalo laagche ei webpage dekhe. please let me know if any helo is needed to keep this page updated. i passed out from xaviers then joined bidhan and then iit bombay and now am in california working for a software company.
anupriya maulik
31 Jul 2003
its an excellent effort. please let me know if any help is needed. i am also in the process of amassing some contribution towards the betterment of the institution. i will be forwarding the sum to deb sir. cheers.
Sudeep Ganguly(1995)
26 Aug 2003
Hi All As far as I'm concerned, Bidhan's greatness lay in the fact that it took as little care of its students as possible. This attracted the Toppers(good students, professionals call them what you want) who could stay home and study (going to Recoll park included)and the Bottomers(If I may call them so), who could indulge in all they wanted to. It also had students like me who did not fit into either of the above mentioned categories, students who were dependent on the classrooms,perhaps foolishly so.During my days, and I go back a long way, mediocrity was crime and I was as mediocre as they come. Bidhan can bask only reflected glory,reflected by its illustrious alumni, in whose success, Bidhan had a small insignificant part to play. With success comes magnanimity, and I excuse my successful friends, seniors and juniors alike for being so generous in dishing out all the undeserving praise being lavished on the undeserving Institution. I passed out in 1995 and it has taken me the major part of a decade to undo all the wrongs Bidhan did to me during the fateful two years. Today I work as an engineer in the IT industry, in a multinational you have all heard of, and perceived by our social standards as quite successful( I give a damn !!), but Bidhan I am sorry to say, has had absolutely no part to play. We all listen to the success stories coming out of Bidhan, but we never hear the ones go badly wrong and plummet into the depths of failure and despair. I was lucky I managed to find a way back, Some less fortunate guys( and beleive me, they were just like the rest of us) did not.
Atal Agarwal
31 Aug 2003
hi everyone, i am a '83 passout and just stumbled on to this site certainly transported me back to old fun-filled days. teachers like deb sir were, indeed, instrumental in shaping my future and my thanks to him and other teachers. I am presently in delhi working with a foreign bank..anyone interested is free to get in touch with me on my rediffmail addresss. best regards !!!
Malay ('94 pass out)
24 Sep 2003
Hat's Off .. Tintin :-) It's really Nice to visit this Site. I never knew that such site exists. This site has really nurtured my Good old memories. Would like to get in touch with all those Bidhan pass outs who are based in Bangalore. May the Force be with you ppl. God Bless All :-)
sudhanshu paramanik
26 Oct 2003
really nice effort . i think we can all contribute and buy a domain name. there are alumni who are in prestigious positons in both india and abroad but the question is huting them down. we shoudl give back like the iitans give back and more like the americans give back to their parent institute as a sign of respect
Pratip Biswas
29 Oct 2003
Googling "Bidhan Chandra Institution" and back to the memory lane. Its already a decade I left Bidhan. Till now whenever I visit Durgapur to meet my parents I never miss a single opportunity to have at least a quick trip from Chitralaya to Bidhan on my red enfield :-) Most of my batch mates don't know my name but the bike. Amitava, can you put something like alumni register where any Bidhanian can drop his/her contact information and get contact information of others...
29 Oct 2003
khub bhalo laaglo ei site ta dekhe. kintu kichu nogra kotha lekha ache . oi gulo ke ki kore othano jaye. ei ta kono forum noye deb sir ke gali debar. iccha thakle or samne giye gal dio. bhalo ekta jinish ke nogra koro na. please.
Amit GOswami
01 Nov 2003
Well it is almost after a year I am going thru this site. Well I appretiate Amitava once again. But I am afraid I donot see much improvement except someone using the site to abuse others - which offcourse donot speak volume for themselvs. As have been suggested by many of the ex-bidhanians : could we have link for alumni in the site? I also wellcome bidhanians residing at Mumbai to feel free and get in touch with me so that we may start a Mumbai chapter here. Amit - 1986 batch (Bidhan)
Anuranan Bhattacharjee
09 Nov 2003
it is a wonderful one!!! i am a ex student of this wonderful institution.i have passed ot in 1993. i am now a production officer in pharma company in a vaccinne project but offcourse in india only.
Arunava Ray
11 Dec 2003
It is almost a year since I last visited this site, and i am shocked to see really annoying language from few of us. i suppose amitavada has to clean them all. I suppose we can throw those away(including the person and his letters ) into the dustbin as scum.I hope people won't cast vemon of their failures onto Bidhan in future. Thanks for the great Site and i am proud that I passed out od Bidhan. Arunava Ray( 1998 batch)
07 Jan 2004
hey guys i was so happy to see my college on net. I want to know if u cud help me in locating the girls of the 1991 batch of B section (sciences batch).
Subhendu Aich
07 Jan 2004
feeling very delighted as i'm going through the site. i'm 1998 passed out batch. It's a great job Amitava.
Debkanta Chakraborty
18 Jan 2004
Bidhan Chandra Institution is really bidhan (great) . I'm really proud to be an ex-student of this exceptionally renowned institution .
28 Jan 2004
i am a current student of bidhan.i have something to FIR!PLEASE AVAIL THE LIBRARY TO US VERY NICELY.PLEASE..........
Anindita Bhatacharya[1994]
27 Feb 2004
Nice to see a website on Bidhan Institute.Hope to meet our lost pals once again.Remenences of the past are really glorious.Iwas a student of the girls section but still I hope DevSir,JB, CD would remember me. CHEERS.
sudip banerjee
01 Apr 2004
its great to see the webpage! great work done
Biswajit Sinha
13 Apr 2004
hi titin, i am an ex student of Bidhan(1996). it's a really great job done by there any option to make a comunity or group of ex bidhanian trhough this site? so that we all vertually re unite again.....and we all students as well as faculties will be a group and will help each other...i want to do something related to this i.e developing a portal which will take care of ex bidhanian i seek u'r permission as this site is maintained by u....
10 May 2004
Dear Amitava, The world would not appreciate something that's meant for a purpose...neither would people preserve what is beautiful. I am sorry to see the profusion of profanaties on the website...and am wondering is this what education is all about. I guess they are all literates and have miles to go before they discover what education is. Frustration is writ large in their invectives - wish them all the luck in showering their choicest words...well thats your education guys! Keep it up. Aniruddha Bhattacharya 1991 Batch